Kerabat Awang Osman

Friday 19 October 2012

The Spirit of AOs'

Saya biasa sangat dalam menerajui urusan event dan perjumpaan berbagai macam dan saya fikir menerajui event seperti perjumpaan keluarga 'is one of those things..nothing to shout about'...tapi bukan itu yang is not one of those is the thing that must be done. Perasaan saya dalam berbincang dan bertukar-tukar fikiran di peringkat Jawatankuasa agak berbeza...there is something about it..there is this feeling that you are doing this out of love and the emotions that goes with it is unexplainable. 

I noticed every one involved in organising the event seemed extra careful to ensure that nothing goes wrong...every step of the way is the extend of what we should wear, what to advice AOs to bring, torchlight, biscuits, blankets etc...the best part after each meeting there is the promise to meet again next two weeks...and when that came every discussions made earlier is done. Afifa Daud AO and her husband Mohamad Idzuan AO became the centre of focus by AOs all over the country. We made Ridzwan Jaafar AO as Wakil Zon Tengah and he really went at it...he bought new computer system, latest gadget, printers name it he got it..such spirit is relatively rare this days considering the voluntary nature of it all. 

Iszham Idris AO is another one...never ending research, digging here and digging there...sometimes finding and sometime none...All in all we got it...THE MEET. What then is the reward....well to see for the first time strangers who are my blood coming to register smilingly, eyes wide with excitement, tired from their journey and shaking hands and warm embrace and the cameras... they were every where made my heart sing.....suddenly there before my very own eyes real family..the AOs. Oh!!! How that lovely feeling lingers till today.........DDD(AO)

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